How To Play at ClubWPT And Become A Champion

February 12, 2016 Leave a comment

Many individuals consider any type of betting to be a session of chance yet poker is distinctive as you can enhance your diversion rapidly by rehearsing and taking lessons from the experts. Playing poker at ClubWPT is the most ideal approach to sharpen your abilities and move you to a great degree rapidly into the universe of effective poker player.

On the off chance that you are new to playing poker then playing online is the best approach. The online poker unrest has had a major integral component in its prosperity and this is its capacity to sustain new players into to a great degree great stars. The way that you can play in such a variety of free move competitions and the way that your adversary can’t see you is an enormous in addition to any new poker player who may be feeling only a tiny bit apprehensive.

Everybody who plays longs for being an expert WPT Club player and a hefty portion of us feel that the aptitude is bolted up inside us. By playing online we have the benefit of the instructing assets that huge numbers of the huge online poker locales give. These can run from talking online with a WSOP champ to tuning in free move poker competitions. One thing that is sure is the assets are accessible if you need to utilize them and turn into that genius poker player.

When you have listened to all the exhortation from the poker experts and played in a percentage of the free competitions a significant number of the online poker destinations will twofold your store money as a reward. With twice as much trade out your pot and all that new expertise added to your repertoire you are well on your approach to being a top player.

Turning into that poker star should now be possible without all that costly travel and bother when you need to pack and leave just to play the diversion you adore. By staying at home you get every one of that reward money as well as spare the travel cost and can add that to you war mid-section when you venture up and tackle your adversaries.

With everything taken into account your way to turning into the poker star you know you ought to be is clear. Join one of the considerable online poker locales and exploit the best online poker rewards you can discover. At that point utilize all the showing assets accessible and truly assimilate everything the aces need to let you know. Your last step is to get dynamic in the competitions and after a short time you will see your name climbing those pioneer loads up. next stop The World Series?

Numerous players dread going to online poker rooms like ClubWPT as a result of they think it is defenseless to misrepresentation, infections and programmers. In truth, poker rooms have strict security systems. The speculation you put in online poker rooms are sheltered in addition to these poker rooms furnish you with a protection arrangement to secure your benefits. There was a notorious pillowcase verging on online lizard flat and their utilization of “bots” as domiciliate drew in list players.

Categories: General

Bitcoin Poker Sites or Real Money Oline Casinos? The Choice is Yours.

October 15, 2015 Leave a comment

Browsing the Internet in search of a good online poker casino to bet has become a struggle for many players. Not that there are any restrictions, tough regulations or bans but the mode of betting is the big issue. Players have to choose between seeking membership at either Bitcoin or Real money sites. Choosing between the two has to be carefully done since both have benefits and advantages for their clients. However, there are those sidelined benefits that are always sidelined by reviewers. Below are some of the benefits and their breakdown as researched from top online poker sites.

Advantages of Bitcoin casinos.

Easy and fast transfer of cash to and fro any online poker site.

Casinos are known for their regulations pertaining making of deposits and withdraws. Unlike modern casinos, Bitcoins operate like traditional online gambling sites before the “black Friday”. By this it means any requirements needed to complete a transaction are cheap and simple for any player. Deposits are instant and withdrawals take between an hour to twelve hours. However, completing the transaction is not that easy since there is one crucial step to be followed. This is the confirmation of a players account that it can support the withdrawal request followed by identification of the player in line with the account. After confirming the account balance, cashing out is then done swiftly.

Anonymous playing.

Nothing sucks most like having to put your private information on a public gambling site. Some casinos ask for your identification, home address, citizenship, date of birth among others depending on the jurisdiction of your locality. As for Bitcoin casinos, no identification detail or documentation is need during enrollment at a poker room. Though some players who want to shine and appear in the limelight, majority are comfortable with anonymity.

Advantages of real money (subscription-based) poker sites.

Fully legalized in the United States.

With their free-to-play tag, real money sites are legal in most of the United states. Unlike Bitcoins where there are certain tournaments which one has to pay to participate, real money has hundred of tournaments that are not only great but thrilling. To some extent, playing poker at these sites is not considered gambling since they offer sweepstakes, prizes and cash to their winners.

Age is restricted to 18 years and above.

Players have to be of 18 years in order to enroll as a players. This issue of age is at times stressed too much to an extent of regulating tournament players to be of 21 years and above. Since tournaments are the main goals of ever player, winning a seat at a live tournament does not require any buy-ins or rake. Strong competition is hence presented to the players who made it to the live tournaments. Unlike some Bitcoin casinos which do not have a restriction on age which allows the growth of juvenile delinquency, real money casinos are otherwise.

With the top issues discussed in the advantages and weighed, any player is in a position to choose which casino to play poker and which to shun. The ultimate joy is to see the gambling industry growing in leaps.

Categories: General

ClubWPT Membership Plans: What to Select?

October 1, 2015 Leave a comment

In this article I would like to share my experience regarding ClubWPT Membership Plans. I will tell you all you wish to know and will provide you with information for future thinking. This article will be useful for all poker beginners and average players. So let’s begin.

If you are not new to poker world you probably heard about World Poker Tour. It’s one of the largest poker tournaments in the world. If you compare it with other tourneys you will see that it occupies 2nd place after WSOP. Of course WSOP is much popular but still WPT holds second place. Why I am telling you about World Poker Tour? Because this company has their own online poker room called ClubWPT.

This poker room differs from PokerStars and Full Tilt. You don’t need to deposit your money. All you need is to select a membership plan and pay for it. After this is done you receive access to games with real money prizes.

I would like to tell you more about ClubWPT Membership Plans because it’s important! When someone creates an account there he receives status of Basic member. This Basic status is similar to “Play Money” player in other rooms. Actually you don’t have a lot of opportunities with this plan. It gives you access to games with play chips. If your goal is to spend some time playing your favorite game and if you don’t care about winnings this is a good choice. Why not? You have a table, you have opponents…  But if you are going to win something this plan is not for you.

If you have serious plans you should choose VIP Membership! Don’t restrict yourself with Basic plan. VIP is what you need. What’s the main difference from Basic? If you are VIP member you can participate in tournaments where real money can be won. That’s the main difference.

How Much?

Now let’s talk about the price. Basic status is always free. You receive it just for registering and you can stay with this status for as long as you wish. You can hold your basic plan for 1 year, 3 years or longer. Nobody will force you to upgrade and nobody will spam you with e-mails asking to upgrade. That’s one of the most pleasant facts. I have never received an e-mail that advertises benefits of being a VIP member.  Basic = free.

But if you are going to become VIP you will have to play. The cost depends on the length of the period you wish to purchase. If you wish to buy only 1 month it will cost you 24.95$ But you can save some money. If you buy several months simultaneously you will receive a discount. For example if you buy 1 year it will cost you 19.95$ per month!  On my opinion it’s a very good discount.

How long?

On my opinion it’s better to buy at least quarterly subscription. Of course if you pay for a quarter the price will not be as attractive as for a year but you will still receive a discount. If you know that you will be playing poker for the whole year – yearly plan is your best choice. It allows to save about 60$ compared to month by month payments. Sixty dollars is a very good saving.

If you wish to find out more about ClubWPT Membership Plans visit You will find in depth description of the statuses and you will be able to select a plan for yourself. You will also find information about Free Trial period. I will also cover this topic in my future articles. Good luck guys! See you at the poker table.

Categories: General

Online Poker Updates and Site Statistics Worth Knowing as Gambler

September 10, 2015 Leave a comment

Manuals and guides on how to rise poker limits have flooded the Internet. The big quiz every player intending to take part in online poker should wrestle with is, “What are the latest statistics and reports on poker sites and rooms?” Unlike in 11th of April 2011, Black Friday as gamblers refer to the day when the U.S Department brought gambling to a halt by having Internet poker offshore without notice, every player should be conscious about poker trends. In a bid to enlighten fans, players and the general public, below is an up-to-date trend of the gambling industry backed up with statistics on some of the top rooms and online casinos.

Player traffic at different tables.

Gamblers have a distinct way of reacting to news, be it from the media or managers. An instance is the announced changes by the Full Tilt management. It saw a whooping 400 players pull out of the tables leading to a disheartening drop from 1000 active players to about 600 players at their tables. Surprisingly, with efforts to make a comeback, the same management introduce a new program called Players Club Rewards that had 200 players back at Full Tilt. These 200 players are both the deserters and new players. Partypoker was not spared either. Having been knocked out of the top ten global list of poker sites, it went ahead and tried their best in attracting players with enticing rewards. Their efforts bore fruits in that Partypoker has catapulted to 6th position in weeks with over a 1000 players signing in.

U.S regulated or unregulated sites?

The raging war between the two is far from ending, with speculations of its fanning increasing daily. It is funny how players seem to be swarming to U.S regulated sites, shunning the unregulated. We might take this as a sign that a higher percentage of gamblers are either U.S based or the sites are more profiting and action packed. 888 poker is still standing at first position even after withstanding a stiff competition from the regulated Other sites like Borgata and Partypoker are still trying to ensure the player traffic is stable. The unregulated still have got something good for players. According to reports from various companies, Bovada is the toping none-regulated site with Chico and Winning Poker Network following at close range. For the latter to remain afloat of reign over Bovada, they need a player traffic increase of not less that 140 percent of the current traffic.

Slight analysis of the Pokerstars sites.

Prominent for cash games, they have a huge player base that are hooked daily to their action packed games. Being three sites, there is need to mention each site’s progress. With the player traffic increasing from around 14500 to approximately 15000, the increase is a success tied to and The first rose to 5th position while the later rose to 8th position. However, tagging the others behind is which dropped to 10th position, lucky to have been kicked out of the global ranking.

Whats new and thrilling for poker die-hards?

To ensure every player tries their luck in cashing in from every available promo, the following is a new feature at Full Tilt worth giving a shot.

The deal.

As the name goes, it’s a once in a lifetime deal whose jackpot can turn you into a rich gambler within a click. All you need is a five-card hand which has the capability of unlocking the ultimate prize, with a token of half the shares on the following jackpots. Pull a seat and get ready for the action.

How to play.

The are two options; manual and automatic. Once you have launched the cashier, you then use your coin to buy in. With a deal of seven cards all facing down, choose two cards to discard as you wait for the remaining cards to open your luck. Your five-card hand is then revealed to your opponents and if you rock a strongest hand, the cash is yours but if otherwise, consider trying again.

With the above statistics in mind, you are saved the hustles of choosing sites to gamble at their rooms. In gambling, knowing the games is not enough to make someone a pro but the presence of a huge player traffic is what it takes to gamble you way to the jackpot. Make your mind today and enroll at a room to put your poker knowledge and experience to work.

Categories: General

In-depth Breakdown of Mobile Poker Sites

August 17, 2015 Leave a comment

Gone are the days when people either gambled online at their homes or in Internet cafes. Mobile poker casinos came to the rescue of many people who opted to ditch gambling due to tight schedules. Online casinos whose existence has been felt since the early 2000 would have been toppled by new ones which features mobile poker sites and applications. In a bid not only to maintain but also to increase their customer traffic, mobile casinos feature the following;

1. Playability on various mobile devices.

Tech companies launch new mobile devices annually. The common devices are smart phones which run on android or windows among other operating softwares. Tablets are being manufactured for the people who preferred a large screened device to the smart phones. Be it a smart phone or tablet, you can catch a Holde’em or Omaha games on your mobile device.

2. Access tournaments easily.

Poker tournaments are being held daily however the ease to participating in one matter a lot. With a mobile device, you can easily stamp your name at the winning list by playing all the games either at the jam, home or even in bed.

3. Unlock both real money and bitcoin bonuses.

Though bitcoin bonuses are good, real money ones are the best since you cash in after the win. Both mobile sites and applications have features which allow easy navigation during playing hence better than using computers.

4. Mobile sites accept payments from various credit and debit cards.

Just like other Internet casinos, mobile poker sites accept payments using visa, maestro, mastercard, skrill and wiretransfer. Other even allow players to make deposits using American Express credit cards.

5. Compatible games for each mobile device.

When mobile poker sites started to rock the globe, some devices were never considered. These are Apple and Linux devices. With the latter device being a preserve for the tech geeks, it’s astonishing how their games were developed late. 2015 has seen the launching of various windows phones, thus games too have to be developed to cater for the customers using such gadgets.

After a long research and collection of recommendations from both players and casino owners, below is a list of top mobile poker sites worth seeking their memberships. With the listing come few outstanding features worth knowing. They are ranked from top to the third.

888 Poker.

It’s the casino giant that has never been shaken for a number of years. Upon signing up, a player is given a deposit bonus of $1000. An extra $88 is awarded freely to it’s first time gamers. Being endorsed by Poker pro, traded publicly as a company on the LSE (London Stocks Exchange) and having been recorded audits makes it a top mobile poker site worth your playing at.

Poker Stars.

Leaping from the bottom to the top, Poker Stars has been witnessing an increasing number of players. Being endorsed by International Sportsman Shane Warne is an achievement its competitors are always fighting for. Signing up attracts a bonus of $600. Free games and stats are among other benefits available.

Full Tilt.

Boasting of a top managerial system, Full Tilt is a poker site you are least to avoid. Its presence is noticed from the United States to Canada, Australia and even Asia. It was endorsed by UFC Champ Gergous st. Pierre. Just like Poker Stars, players are awarded a $600 sign up bonus.

Mobile casinos are the next big thing in the gambling industry. Enroll today at one and win a string of Hold’em games without being physically limited to building confinements.

Categories: General

Poker Softwares and Networks – Sole Determinants for Online Gamblers Success

When it comes to choosing a poker room, many things have to considered. Key thing is the sophistication of the softwares and the companies powering the rooms. Though every idea encompasses around the softwares, the games played have to be laden with user-friendly features to keep the players shuffling. With the revolution in online gambling, poker has undergone a lot upgrading by both old and new companies after being recognized as the top online game that has scores of players in the globe.

Following are top five softwares that strive to ensure clients get a classy gaming experience. With players quoting that the levels are hards to achieve since the limits set are “unachievable”, thats the thrill. At the top is:

Cake Gaming.

Being the powerhouse of many lotteries and gambling rooms, timely upgrading ensures they deliver quality services. Why do players prefer Cake Gaming and the networks under them? Its main advantage is that it can be downloaded thus enables playing a real time game using connectivity to the Internet. Live and 3D features gives players a brick and mortar casino experience.

Micro Gaming.

Recently, what used to be a giant software company has grown into a mammoth poker software company. Toping its list of benefits to the users is the sharing of poker players histories both from its rooms and other sites. For analysis of games and player potentials, micro gaming avails full reports and graph representation of previous games to players.


Ever wondered who is at the core of nearly all gambling rooms? For sites like bet365, life is injected into their framework by playtech applications and network support. In a nutshell, they are the coding brains behind gambling companies.

Rival Gaming.

Known for their free chips, rival gaming is a company that is taking the industry by storm. The reason for their thriving is maximizing of every little opportunity. For years, Linux and Apple lovers have been sidelined till the unearthing of rival softwares and mobile applications.

Real Time Gaming.

Being among the dominant software companies in th industry has made it outstanding. Both their on line games and downloaded games have a touch of finesse. Clock is Java enabled with the sound effects letting you taste the live casino experience.

What to look out for when scouting for online poker softwares and network developers.

Many people ask, what should i prioritize when choosing a gambling room? There are issues that programmers strive to address when designing a product. Among the top is level of user expertise. Not all players are pros thus the new players have to be considered too. To standardize this difference in experience and expertise, a graded and leveled games is developed to help you nurture your skills as you play. Second is the technological acquired skills. For ages, sophisticated poker softwares have been set aside for the computer geeks. These are the like of Linux users who cherish living in a coded world. Lastly, commitment of the poker software towards quality products. Check out the number of upgrading an application has undergone. Not only that but the reviews from current and previous users on both consumer checking sites and poker sites.

With that in mind, you are set to play what James Bond plays most, poker. However, after settling on a good site supporting this online version of card gaming, the varieties offered need to be checked. Majority of sites offer free games for new members thus its the opportunity to check if everything works for you. Among the common varieties offered are as listed below.

  • Hold’em.
  • Guts.
  • Midnight Baseball.
  • Chinese Poker.
  • Crazy Pineapple.

With the variation comes the gaming experience. What applies on one might be inapplicable in another. Except for the basic rules, majority of rules change depending on the variation. However, variation should not pause as a stumbling block in playing more games. You can opt to download manuals and play small stake games with minimal games with a mentality and driving force of mastering the art of the game. After a number of games, a player should be able to outline their strength and weakness,like and dislike of the game and whether to play it again or shop for another.

For the online gambling community, softwares and networks are the sole determinants on a players future. Choose the best to be the best!

Categories: General

Importance of ClubWPT Bonus Code

In the gambling industry, ClubWPT Bonus Code is the most sought after thing. In a nutshell, it is a real money pay given to a player after signing up at a poker room. These amounts are only applicable once per player at a single poker room. However, one can mint millions if the pay-out is smartly utilized. Highlighted below are reasons why the codes are important to poker players.

1. Career development.

Climbing up the poker chain is considered hard due to the high risks involved in the game, including bets. However, with a ClubWPT bonus at hand, one is expected to strive to unlock others game after game. This translates to playing more games so as to maintain the string of wins and bonuses collected. A player is hence required to play more tables and hours than normal leading to horning of skills helpful in turning others mistakes into wins. Moreover, during the process of unlocking bonuses, one has to play at relatively higher limits so as to clear the code faster. After a number of games, the player ups his or her play thus developing their poker play career.

2. Leads to higher ROI.

Clearing bonuses is not just a thrilling experience. It leads to increase of ROI however the level of increase is dependent on a number of factors. The sole factor is the terms and conditions of the poker room a player has sought membership. For lenient terms and conditions, one can increase their overall ROI by 3% to around 6%. This increment is relative with the profits accounted in the players bankroll.

 3. More money.

Termed as “Rakeback”, bonus codes are financially meaningful. For an average code, the funds earned are about 30% to 60% of the initial pay during sign up. This should be viewed as a refund from the poker room hence a win will lead to a double pay when the bonus amount is valuated. To maximize profits, a poker player is advised to sign up at multiple casinos. The deposit and reload bonuses are however the only one available for new players while other heavy ones like loyalty bonuses are gained after rigorous plays and long stay at the poker room.

Insight on the available poker bonus codes and how to get them.

First deposit bonus.

This is the first real money earned upon membership to a poker room. They are earned only once hence one should check for the best casino offering higher amounts. If well utilized, this code can set you on the track f a successful gambling career. There is no first deposit bonus at WPT Club because there are no deposits.

Reload bonus.

Free extra cash earned upon reloading ones account with money. This is to hold its members from leaving the room for another. However, if the bonus is huge, you can consider doing more small reloads than one big reload. They can be used to ones advantage for instance to clear loses and transaction rates.

Loyalty bonus.

Some call it the VIP bonus which is available for older gamers. Resilience in the game is the only way to unlock this cash bomb. Though some rooms offer them once or twice a year, rich casinos provide them every two weeks.

You can use special bonus code at ClubWPT: and get access to Free Trial promotion. This Free Trial is a period of free access to the poker room. As you know WPT Club uses subscription system – it’s the only poker room in the world with such a unique method of payments. A player pays pre-set amount of money every month and can play as many real money games as he wishes to. Free Trial allows to try everything without paying this pre-set fee. Isn’t it amazing? It’s the best promotion in the world.

Categories: General

Online Poker Tournaments: Rules and Strategies you can Use

As more games are offered, the popularity of online poker tournaments is increasing and the number of players signing up every day is also on the rise as well. Big online poker sites are offering tournaments twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, and it is important to know the rules before participating in one of them.

Although each tournament has its own rules and regulations and there is nothing set in stone for all tournaments, most of them go by general rules that all players should know:

  1. All players begin with the same number of chips. Some online poker tournaments allow players to buy more chips once the game has started, but not all of them offer this option. The goal is to receive all the chips of other players.
  2. All players begin the game at the same time. Certain tournaments offer the option to join at any time, but it is not something to count on.
  3. All players can participate in the game until they run out of chips. The one who is left with remaining chips wins the tournament.
  4. The bid level increases at certain times during the tournament. Those times are determined by the tournament itself. This blind growth is the most important factor of the speed of the tourney. If blinds grow fast you have to be more agressive and you have to make much more risky decisions.

Those general rules are in addition to the rules the online tournament specifies. When a winner is declared, prizes and winnings are delivered. Usually 40% of the pool goes to the winner, 20% goes to the second place, and 10% goes to the third place. Other tournaments offer a higher rank instead of the normal prize.

Many new players participate in online tournaments to test their skills, and others play for the money and the prestige the can get if they win. There are few tips and strategies shared by top players that will help you along the way. Here they are:

  • Play tight early or play aggressive later, but try to steal blinds. You can play tight in the beginning because blinds are not big and you can afford waiting for good hands.
  • Play many hands in the beginning. Of cource you will have to fold all the trash like 25 but hands like 10J suited must be played. You also must play all low pairs hoping to get a set. Low blinds often allow players to participate in many hands, but most players don’t use this advantage. But you must use it. Sometimes your 89 will give you a straight on the flop and you will be able to win.
  • Collect the as many chips as you can while you increase blinds.
  • You have to have a stronger hand when you call a bet. That’s important. If someone raises you must have a good hand in order to make a call.
  • Focus on your own table and win as many chips as you can, especially if you have other table arrangements.
  • You have to be flexible and on guard at the same time. You have to be able to read the moves other players make.
  • And the strategy most champions follow is they study poker tournaments, online and offline, and pay attention to all the moves other players make. This is how they learn the most about poker for their next tournament.
  • Don’t belive players when they bet often. If a player makes a lot of bets he bluffs a lot.

Basically you choose which style you prefer to play: conservative, which avoids any type of confrontation and focuses on opening hands that are more likely to be winners; or aggressive, which involves being very active in all hands, but also sees a lot of flops. A good idea is to change styles or to tweak your style depending on the players at your table. If your table is agressive you should play tight and vice versa.

But regardless of which style you choose to use during an online poker tournament, one important thing to keep in mind is to be flexible, especially during the opening rounds of the game. This flexibility will determine if you are out of the game fast or if you are declared a winner. Flexibility means that you must act different in different situations and against different players. If you can do this, you will most likely sucseed.

Categories: General

Poker Sit and Go Tournament Introduction

The guidelines of a “Sit and Go” (SnG) competition can be separated into the various guidelines, the set up, action and successful guidelines. The various guidelines middle on the primary guidelines as per the variety of gamers taking part, how to join, etc. what one must know is that in this way of a competitors at the least 2 gamers and a highest possible of 180 gamers can take part. This means that for the improved variety of gamers a variety of platforms must be set up to provide their perform.

The competitors must begin at a pre-specified efforts and no exclusions are made on this consideration. All the gamers must be formally finalized in before that period. To be an formal individual in this competitors you need to buy the snacks before the activities begin. Anybody trying to buy-in after the activities have began will not be permitted to do so. The variety of snacks purchased by the gamers cannot be as their own will. A percentage is made the decision upon by the planners and all the gamers begin on a level stage.

The set up of the competitors is based on the variety of poker gamers that will be taking part. The gamers will be either sitting at the various platforms set up or they can choose the desk they want to perform at. Based on the planners, the platforms can all function one conventional version or can have a mixture of activities being performed like in the situation or H.O.R.S.E or H.O.S.E. the guidelines of the set up are obvious enough, and the variety of gamers per desk cannot drop below a certain restrict. As the removal begins gamers from various platforms may be brought out and moved at other desk to keep the variety of gamers at the platforms continuous. In situations, all the gamers from one particular desk have been eliminated and moved to the other platforms. In such a situation this desk is then shut.

The action is like any other way of on-line poker. The gamers must perform the experience, successful or dropping, defending their collection of snacks. The gamer or gamers to reduce all their snacks at any factor during the experience will be eliminated and must keep the desk instantly. In some contests the dropping gamer has the choice to re-purchase snacks and try again. In such situations how frequently this re-purchase or Rebuy is permitted is made the decision by the planners and is not to be questioned. No gamer, at any factor of the experience, can bet anything other than snacks. The eliminated gamers gradually slim the audience of members until there are only three or four gamers remaining who will perform go to go, making only one gamer status in the end.

The competition guidelines associated with the successful of the competitors clearly announce the last gamer status as the champion. The champion is either permitted to encash all the snacks he or she has gained as the compensate or is granted a award through money or a present.

Categories: General

ClubWPT Software Download: 4 Easy Steps

There is no better place to play poker than ClubWPT. If you are interested, it is simple: you can get started in few minutes. One can download WPT Club & create an account; it enables him/her to gain an access to one of the biggest and well established site on the web, handling over large number of hands since its inauguration. Right now this poker room is the only website with subscription based system! Belive me, you should try it.

It is rather popular and during peak hours, it handles a lot of players and most of them are from USA! That’s because the room is 100% legal in America. Since the size of the site has the capacity to handle many users, this cushions you from running short of games at any level. You can download ClubWPT and get your perfect match whether you aspire to play for high stakes or just modest one, or even if playing for free, or just learning the ropes maybe because you are an expert.

Apart from the mammoth users around the globe, WPT Club has also been endorsed and used by celebrities all over the world of Poker. You are also capable of being among the listed personalities in the Poker community.

The room comes with several incentives that are very attractive. Players are entitled to earn player points which can be easily exchanged for numerous types of merchandise found at the store. This system helps players to earn numerous player points faster.

Getting started is pretty easy; you only need to download the program which is free and install it in your hard drive, by sticking to the instruction given. The whole process should not take longer than a few minutes. Create your account and you will find yourself dancing your way to the cashier to set up your funds, while using methods that are convenient such as MasterCard or visa.

In that way, you will have joined the world’s biggest community poker players. Is a simple instruction detailing step by step process of downloading the software. Armed with a little bit of online poker strategy, you will be making lots of money in no time.

  • Step 1) To start downloading ClubWPT, simply click the text link: This will bring the website. Then click “Download” which is on the top left of the navigation bar on the website.
  • Step 2) After that, a popup will ask you what to do with the “ClubWPTInstall.exe” program. Save this under the run or it should be opened. It will begin the install process. Note that all links from the website are tested to be safe.
  • Step 3) After choosing your language of preference, from where we have so many to choose from, the process of installing takes only a minute or two. The software will automatically launch and you will be able to fill the information in your account.
  • Step 4) ClubWPT always makes it simpler to install the software. You only need to follow the instructions in order to fill your own account. While in the process just make sure you enter the marketing code “VIPCLUB”. This will enable you to access all benefits offered, Free Trial bonus and the exclusive freerolls.

How to install the software?

You need to download the software and then click on “Save File” when prompted. The software can be saved on either the desk top or other folder. The whole process may take just a few minutes to be complete. Initiate the poker room. Select “Create Account” in the main lobby from the drop down menu which is located at the top. Then fill the required details for registration. Just make sure that you input a valid email address.

For account validation, check out your inbox for the validation code provided .From the account drop down menu; select “Validate Email Address, then enter your validation code.

Categories: General

All You Need To Know About Poker Games

March 1, 2015 Comments off

Online Poker Room is a platform where players can play and compete for the exciting and the thrilling poke games. The on-line poker gamers are most essential source of these games. Among these varieties of games, tournaments are the most typical and well-known among players. All tournaments are divided into main groups:

  • Turbo
  • Heads up tournament
  • Sit & go Bounty
  • Freeze-out tournaments
  • Shoot out tournament
  • Brief handed
  • Rebuy tournaments
  • Multi table tournament
  • Pot limit

These tournaments have the particular features such as:

  • These tournaments have the fixed schedule as they start at the fixed time in a day.
  • They take almost five to six hours to total in a day.
  • To survive in these tournaments you require to maintain the balanced amount of these poker chips
  • To play theses games you need a certain quantity of chips
  • These are accessible 24 hours a day.

Learn How to Play Poker.

Nearly all like to play poker on the net for fun and enjoyment. You should try this game regardless of whether you know how to experiment with it already as well as or just interested in learning. You never know whom you will see in online poker room. Some sites get gambling professionals who play online from time to time. So you can always meet a professional there.

For this case, you will need to create an account at a poker web site. This does not involve depositing anything into the site. Almost all sites provide free registration. You will definitely get an amount of free chips with which to play hold’em. There is basically tons of rooms around such as: PokerStars, Poker Champs, PartyPoker, Doyle’s Room, Pacific Texas hold’em, Bodog.

It usually consists of registering for an account, and then downloading it a piece of software called the poker client, that you use to access the particular tables. You just have to uncover and use the ones you like the most. You have the option to either make a down payment or play legitimate money or you can enjoy for fake cash just for the fun of the action and the learning experience.

Popular Games

When you play online games, you can select from:

  • No Limit Texas hold’em
  • Limit Texas Hold’em
  • Pot Limit Omaha
  • Omaha Hi Lo
  • Several Card Stud
  • Razz

These games are the most popular. You can even watch other people play to help you understand the game before you start to try out poker online. In case you have a question about a distinct hand and how anyone played it, confirm if the poker site has a forum where one can post questions regarding other players.

Major Ultimate Reasons to Play Poker Tournaments

Poker tournaments are lucrative, exciting, rewarding and very useful for gaining experience which is so important for a good player. There are many reasons to play in tournaments probably as many as there are tournament players. Tournaments have shown a massive increase in popularity in the recent years. They are now not the playground for the pros and stars but a way for all players to have fun and win a good payout.

First and foremost, all poker tournaments are thrill, real fun and full of competition. As much as it is nice to play in a cash ring game and leave the table with more cash at the end, it can’t be compared with the feeling of joining a tourney together with many other players and waking away the winner over them all. These days tournaments usually have prize pools in the thousands of dollars and huge earning opportunities. They offer fantastic pay outs to the players who make into the money which are rarely met by the cash games.

Playing in tournaments players can concentrate their efforts becoming more skillful and knowledgeable in the game on the budget that suits them. Not only are your costs set by the tournament buy-in when players enter the tourneys but they also find that the game tends to be more pure than at the ring tables. The opponents know that they can only last in the game until they run out of chips and cannot rely on unlimited amounts of extra buy-ins and top up their losses at any time. That is why players tend to play more by the book and follow the rules. This is an ideal opportunity to see how poker theory works in practice.

Tournaments are also a great chance to compare your skills against some of the top players. You will not find the pros in a small casino but in a large poker room with players of top caliber. They give each and everyone a chance to measure up their game against the strong competition. There is nothing builds up the confidence of a player than sitting at the same table with a pro and sending him to the rail.

Once you take part in tournament, you also have a chance to learn the game inexpensively. If you enter a low buy-in tourney you get plenty of action for your money while if you are good or get lucky the tournaments can give you good 2-3hrs of poker game. This is also an excellent chance to learn a new variety of poker such as Omaha Hi-lo, Razz and others for limited amounts of money without the risks of mounting losses to worry about.

Categories: General

7 Beneficial Poker Tips

February 22, 2015 Comments off

Do you want to be a better poker player, fast, smart? Follow these tips and I assure you that your performance at poker and profits will increase immensely. Even if it is geared to beginners, these are tips that even pros should remind themselves. So relax, because this article will give you all the tips that will allow you to better your playing skills.

1. Never Fold More
The most common mistake that almost all beginners make is that they will always play for too many hands that are not beneficial to them. To those who are starting out poker play, you just want to play poker, and that means you just play to remain in the game. But even if you play more, that doesn’t guarantee you of a win, it means you are in for a loss. If you notice that you are always starting in half then the best option is to upgrade your starting hand.

2. Never drink and play
Many a times you will watch someone get plastered silly and reaped off the stacks of chips easily. Reason, they are drunk. Do you want to avoid this? Then keep off alcohol. If you are playing with friends and this is at low stack and more of fun, then you can take the liquor. But if you are in a casino for the poker itself then watch out, truth be told yes you are relaxed after taking 2 drinks but this can make you lose all your games.

3. Don’t just bluff
Many players, especially beginners understand and know that bluffing is part of the poker game, but they don’t know how it is done. There is NO RULE and I mean no rule that state that you should bluff, but to many poker players they only feel that they have won after they have tried out a poker bluff. You should understand that bluff only work against certain individuals and certain situations, but if you know that a player always do call the showdown then never try to bluff the player. Better you keep off bluffing than just bluff for bluffing sake.

4. Don’t stick in a game
This is another common mistake that players make, I mean beginners. Well, I have put more in the game, and I must just stay in. Never will you win a game by just throwing money in it. In some cases the odds will call the shots, if you are beaten, and you are sure that your hand cannot change to be always the best hand, then you should walk away. This is due to the fact that the money you have put in the game is not yours anymore, and it is difficult to get it back by just playing to the end of the game.

5. Don’t play when emotional
Most individuals play poker to escape stress, depression or having a bad day. If you start on tilt mmmh, you are playing when emotionally and not rationally and this will make you lose it all. Likewise if you are on a poker game and you lose it big hand, you feel that you want to go for a tilt, then get up and take a break .If your fellow players sense your mood, I assure you that they will take advantage of your situation and reap you off your money.

6. Never pay attention to other players
As you play, the best thing that you should do is observe and understand your opponents, weather you are not playing. If you know that one player always raises in some position, anther is a poker tell whenever he bluffs and the third fold to any re- raise that he makes, with these tips you can beat these player without even checking them. You can bluff and steal all the money in the pot.

7. Never play a too high limit
There are plenty of reasons why individuals move up to a higher level of the poker game than the normal level. The good reason can be that you are always winning at your level and it is time to go up, the bad reason can be that you just want to impress others. Even if you have a good night do not attempt to go for a higher level because your luck can turn to a curse, I mean you can lose it all.

With the following tips at hand a bet that your poker skills will improve immensely. Just follow the above tips and you will be at your best in each game that you play. You can also consider these fact on your poker online game or even when gambling.

Categories: General

Poker Tournaments – Beginner’s Guide

February 20, 2015 Comments off

Poker tournament is a tournament where players compete for the first place. It can consist of two players playing on a single tables or a thousand of players playing on hundreds of tables. The person who wins every poker chip in the game is announced the winner. The other players are awarded places according to the time of elimination. To enable this, in most of the tournaments, blinds rise over the set time of the tournament. This is not the case in cash games, player’s chips in a tournament cannot be cashed out for money and only serves in the determination of player’s place.

Buy-ins and Prizes

For a player to join a typical poker tournament they are required to pay a fixed buy-in. At the start of a game they are given a quantity of special poker chips. A separate fee is charged by commercial venues to cater for costs of running the event or withhold a portion of the buy-ins for the same. Tournament chips have nominal value, this is to mean that they have no cash value and only the chips can be used during play. Cash cannot be used during the game as chips. 

The amount of each players’ starting tournament chips is a figure multiple of the buy-in. An option of re-buy or buy-back is available in some tournaments where players are allowed to purchase more chips. In some cases, re-buys are conditional in that, they are only available to players with low or out of chips, while in other games they are open to all players, such are called add-ons. When a player has no chips at all and has exhausted or declined all re-buy options, if any available, they are eliminated from the tournament.

Players are kept even in all tables in most of the tournaments. This is achieved by moving players by switching a single player or by taking an entire table out of game and distributing the members to other tables. This does not happen in tournaments called shoot-outs, instead the last two or more players on a table moves to a second or third round similar to a single elimination tournament found in other games.

Prizes for winners are got from buy-ins and outside funds are entered as well. Like for example, some invitational tournaments do not have buy-ins hence fund their prize pools via sponsorships or gate receipts from spectators. Such tournaments are known as free tolls. The play goes on until all players are eliminated except one, although in some situations, players have the option of ending the game by consensus.

Players are ranked in reverse chronological order, the last person is ranked first, the second to last ranked second and so on. This ranking is unique in many games and prevents the possibility of a tie since only one player must have all the chips to end the tournament. Some tournaments end by a mutual consensus of the players. For instance, in a 5 dollar game with ten persons, there may be two players remaining with 29 and 21 dollars respectively chips. Instead of losing their game as it would happen if the game continues, players can be allowed to split the prize proportional to their in-game currency or otherwise agree.

Other tournaments called bounty tournaments, place a bounty on some or all players. If a player knocks out an opponent they earn the opponents bounty. Individual bounties and total bounties collected can be used to award prizes. In other tournaments, players are allowed to exchange some or all their chips in the middle of a tournament for prize money, giving the chips cash value. Portions of each players buy-ins are directed to a prize pool and cash out pool. The cash out rate is fixed and a time when players may not cash out is also fixed.

Wining players are awarded prices in two ways, fixed and proportional. In fixed, each place relates to a certain payoff. For example, in a ten people tournament, $20 buy-in, may award &100 for the first person, $70 for the second, $40 for the third and nothing the rest.

In proportional, payouts are determined according to a percentage scale. Percentages are determined by the number of participants and increase payout positions as number of participants increase.

Categories: General

Guide to Poker Freerolls

February 17, 2015 Leave a comment

A number of gambling websites offer free to enter tournaments called Freerolls. In such games, a person can play their favorite gambling game for free without paying the traditional entry fees. They can get prizes such as cash or prizes with cash value. All that the player needs to do is to be on the lookout for open tournaments so that they can register. Due to the high number of applicants willing to participate in the games, many poker rooms allow a player to register only once per tournament. If one misses the match that they had successfully registered for, then the opportunity is lost. They will have to register again for subsequent games.

Many gambling websites such as PokerStars set up these tournaments as a way of enticing players. For instance, a new player could be offered the opportunity to play during the player’s first month of joining the gambling website. Some sites also use the tournament to incentivize their regular players. The tournaments are Multi-Table Tournament (MTT), and they could include up to more than ten players playing on different tables. During the tournament, the players at these tables are rotated around different tables. The defeated players drop out and this goes on until only one table is left with players, from where the winner emerges.

The tournaments have attracted a lot of interest from players because it has no buy-in. Most players wonder just how they could approach the competition and what tactics they could apply for them to succeed. The first thing that a person should do in order to succeed is to sign up for the tournament. After all how would they expect to triumph if they are not even participating? Getting a Freeroll tournament should not be that challenging. A simple online search would provide leads of the various gambling rooms that are receiving entries for the tournament. There are also reliable websites that publish accurate updates of the sites which are receiving registration for the tournament.

The way to participate

What an interested player should do is to compare the different games available and settle on the one that appeals to him or her. There are a number of variables that the player could use to determine the tournament to play. Such variables include the type of games available, whether the game is online or offline, the prizes they could win and finally the number of players participating in the tournament. Since it is a free game with no risk on the part of the player, he or she should go for the game that offers the highest prize. It would also be prudent if one signed up for a tournament that has very few participants. It will reduce the amount of wait-time before the game comes to an end.

Once a person has identified the particular tournament that they are interested in for instance on PokerStars, they should ensure that they sign up before the deadline time stated.

Before the game starts, a person should ensure that they prepare adequately or it. Preparation would involve ensuring that both their computer and internet connection are at peak performance. The player should also be in their best shape so as to bring out his or her “A” game. It would help a great deal if one chose a game that they were good at playing.

During the tournament, the blinds keep on increasing after a certain number of hands. It is crucial to a player to increase their stack of poker chips at every opportunity they get to avoid losing. If one does not have a good hand, they should make bluffs so as to build up their stack. When playing one should never forget that their game comes to an end the moment they are out.

Advantages of the tournaments

The tournament has numerous advantages to the player as well as the poker websites. Such games provide the sites with a strategy for attracting new players while at the same time rewarding the existing players. The players, on the other hand, get an opportunity to try their hand at new games for free. They are also able to get various prizes. Last but not least they get to enjoy playing their favorite gambling games without being anxious about losing their money.

Categories: General

The A to Z of Poker

February 15, 2015 Comments off

Poker is one of the greatest and most exciting games all over the world. Not only is it popularised by its players, but also by those who watch the game on television. However, there still are a few people who are not aware about the multiple aspects of this game. Here is an article explaining all that you need to know about poker to understand its attractiveness.

What is Poker?

Poker is essentially a game of five or seven cards. Its key qualities are that it is quick, addictive and one of the most popular games of gambling. The main objective of Poker is to be able to win with the dealt hand by leading all the bets and having the highest possible cards at the table.

Why do people play Poker?

There are a multitude of reasons behind playing poker. Here are a few.

  1. The luck factor: When anything involves a combination of luck, fate and uncertainty, it draws attention. Poker is one game that has a very high element of luck, making it very addictive to players and lucrative for casinos.
  2. Socializing: A chance to meet new people and hang out with crowds of like minds is an added bonus to playing poker. This game is an easy way to make friends, have friendly banters and also set up future poker dates.
  3. Thrill: The temptation mainly arises from the thrill of being only partly in control. The combination of all its elements makes players want to keep coming back for more.
  4. Talent: The game gives players a chance to use their analytical skills, study situations and even people to be able to work the game out to their advantage, thereby leaving them with an adrenaline rush like no other.
  5. Easy Rules: It isn’t very difficult to learn how to play Poker and is pretty much understandable by anyone who is interested. Even watching a couple of games or practicing online can boost skills and build techniques.
  6. Money: Obviously, if everything plays out well, there is a fortune involved. But because this is gambling, there is also a chance of losing a lot of money. However, people play poker to have a shot at winning in a quick and interesting manner.

Where can one play poker?

There are two ways of playing poker. One is the good old fashioned style of going to a casino and hanging out at the table. Another method is to play poker online instead. Each has its own advantages. While the former can possibly lead to a huge fortune, it is also a big energy boost. The latter is safe, more convenient, less awkward and can be played at any time, both for free and for money.

What are the types of Poker?

Poker can be played in different ways depending upon individual preferences. Two of the most common ones are as below:

  • Texas Hold ‘Em involves a deck of seven cards where two are hidden and five are revealed.
  • Draw which can be played with either five or seven cards but with all hidden.

The Poker Lingo:

When playing poker, it is necessary to know the right language to use as it will help one fit in with the rest of the group. Here is a list of a few phrases:

  • One Pair / Two Pairs: This is one of the most common types of cards that can be dealt to a player, involving two cards of the same type such as 5 and 5 while the rest of the hand has random cards.
  • Full House: When a person has three cards of one number and four cards of another, he is said to have a full house. For example, three 4s and four 2s.
  • Straight Flush: This combination is the highest hand anyone can have. When a player has all cards of the same sequential order in any one of the four suits, he is said to have a straight flush. When K, Q and J are included, it is also called the royal flush. However, this is nearly impossible to achieve.
  • Straight: This is a situation where all the cards are of different suits but of the same numerical sequence.


In the end, Poker is a fantastic game to play, either for gambling or just for fun. If it weren’t so great, then surely it wouldn’t have gotten so famous all over the world! In a nutshell, if you are the kind of person who would like to try something new with your friends, then go ahead and play poker! You will most definitely not regret it.

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