
Archive for February, 2015

7 Beneficial Poker Tips

February 22, 2015 Comments off

Do you want to be a better poker player, fast, smart? Follow these tips and I assure you that your performance at poker and profits will increase immensely. Even if it is geared to beginners, these are tips that even pros should remind themselves. So relax, because this article will give you all the tips that will allow you to better your playing skills.

1. Never Fold More
The most common mistake that almost all beginners make is that they will always play for too many hands that are not beneficial to them. To those who are starting out poker play, you just want to play poker, and that means you just play to remain in the game. But even if you play more, that doesn’t guarantee you of a win, it means you are in for a loss. If you notice that you are always starting in half then the best option is to upgrade your starting hand.

2. Never drink and play
Many a times you will watch someone get plastered silly and reaped off the stacks of chips easily. Reason, they are drunk. Do you want to avoid this? Then keep off alcohol. If you are playing with friends and this is at low stack and more of fun, then you can take the liquor. But if you are in a casino for the poker itself then watch out, truth be told yes you are relaxed after taking 2 drinks but this can make you lose all your games.

3. Don’t just bluff
Many players, especially beginners understand and know that bluffing is part of the poker game, but they don’t know how it is done. There is NO RULE and I mean no rule that state that you should bluff, but to many poker players they only feel that they have won after they have tried out a poker bluff. You should understand that bluff only work against certain individuals and certain situations, but if you know that a player always do call the showdown then never try to bluff the player. Better you keep off bluffing than just bluff for bluffing sake.

4. Don’t stick in a game
This is another common mistake that players make, I mean beginners. Well, I have put more in the game, and I must just stay in. Never will you win a game by just throwing money in it. In some cases the odds will call the shots, if you are beaten, and you are sure that your hand cannot change to be always the best hand, then you should walk away. This is due to the fact that the money you have put in the game is not yours anymore, and it is difficult to get it back by just playing to the end of the game.

5. Don’t play when emotional
Most individuals play poker to escape stress, depression or having a bad day. If you start on tilt mmmh, you are playing when emotionally and not rationally and this will make you lose it all. Likewise if you are on a poker game and you lose it big hand, you feel that you want to go for a tilt, then get up and take a break .If your fellow players sense your mood, I assure you that they will take advantage of your situation and reap you off your money.

6. Never pay attention to other players
As you play, the best thing that you should do is observe and understand your opponents, weather you are not playing. If you know that one player always raises in some position, anther is a poker tell whenever he bluffs and the third fold to any re- raise that he makes, with these tips you can beat these player without even checking them. You can bluff and steal all the money in the pot.

7. Never play a too high limit
There are plenty of reasons why individuals move up to a higher level of the poker game than the normal level. The good reason can be that you are always winning at your level and it is time to go up, the bad reason can be that you just want to impress others. Even if you have a good night do not attempt to go for a higher level because your luck can turn to a curse, I mean you can lose it all.

With the following tips at hand a bet that your poker skills will improve immensely. Just follow the above tips and you will be at your best in each game that you play. You can also consider these fact on your poker online game or even when gambling.

Categories: General

Poker Tournaments – Beginner’s Guide

February 20, 2015 Comments off

Poker tournament is a tournament where players compete for the first place. It can consist of two players playing on a single tables or a thousand of players playing on hundreds of tables. The person who wins every poker chip in the game is announced the winner. The other players are awarded places according to the time of elimination. To enable this, in most of the tournaments, blinds rise over the set time of the tournament. This is not the case in cash games, player’s chips in a tournament cannot be cashed out for money and only serves in the determination of player’s place.

Buy-ins and Prizes

For a player to join a typical poker tournament they are required to pay a fixed buy-in. At the start of a game they are given a quantity of special poker chips. A separate fee is charged by commercial venues to cater for costs of running the event or withhold a portion of the buy-ins for the same. Tournament chips have nominal value, this is to mean that they have no cash value and only the chips can be used during play. Cash cannot be used during the game as chips. 

The amount of each players’ starting tournament chips is a figure multiple of the buy-in. An option of re-buy or buy-back is available in some tournaments where players are allowed to purchase more chips. In some cases, re-buys are conditional in that, they are only available to players with low or out of chips, while in other games they are open to all players, such are called add-ons. When a player has no chips at all and has exhausted or declined all re-buy options, if any available, they are eliminated from the tournament.

Players are kept even in all tables in most of the tournaments. This is achieved by moving players by switching a single player or by taking an entire table out of game and distributing the members to other tables. This does not happen in tournaments called shoot-outs, instead the last two or more players on a table moves to a second or third round similar to a single elimination tournament found in other games.

Prizes for winners are got from buy-ins and outside funds are entered as well. Like for example, some invitational tournaments do not have buy-ins hence fund their prize pools via sponsorships or gate receipts from spectators. Such tournaments are known as free tolls. The play goes on until all players are eliminated except one, although in some situations, players have the option of ending the game by consensus.

Players are ranked in reverse chronological order, the last person is ranked first, the second to last ranked second and so on. This ranking is unique in many games and prevents the possibility of a tie since only one player must have all the chips to end the tournament. Some tournaments end by a mutual consensus of the players. For instance, in a 5 dollar game with ten persons, there may be two players remaining with 29 and 21 dollars respectively chips. Instead of losing their game as it would happen if the game continues, players can be allowed to split the prize proportional to their in-game currency or otherwise agree.

Other tournaments called bounty tournaments, place a bounty on some or all players. If a player knocks out an opponent they earn the opponents bounty. Individual bounties and total bounties collected can be used to award prizes. In other tournaments, players are allowed to exchange some or all their chips in the middle of a tournament for prize money, giving the chips cash value. Portions of each players buy-ins are directed to a prize pool and cash out pool. The cash out rate is fixed and a time when players may not cash out is also fixed.

Wining players are awarded prices in two ways, fixed and proportional. In fixed, each place relates to a certain payoff. For example, in a ten people tournament, $20 buy-in, may award &100 for the first person, $70 for the second, $40 for the third and nothing the rest.

In proportional, payouts are determined according to a percentage scale. Percentages are determined by the number of participants and increase payout positions as number of participants increase.

Categories: General

Guide to Poker Freerolls

February 17, 2015 Leave a comment

A number of gambling websites offer free to enter tournaments called Freerolls. In such games, a person can play their favorite gambling game for free without paying the traditional entry fees. They can get prizes such as cash or prizes with cash value. All that the player needs to do is to be on the lookout for open tournaments so that they can register. Due to the high number of applicants willing to participate in the games, many poker rooms allow a player to register only once per tournament. If one misses the match that they had successfully registered for, then the opportunity is lost. They will have to register again for subsequent games.

Many gambling websites such as PokerStars set up these tournaments as a way of enticing players. For instance, a new player could be offered the opportunity to play during the player’s first month of joining the gambling website. Some sites also use the tournament to incentivize their regular players. The tournaments are Multi-Table Tournament (MTT), and they could include up to more than ten players playing on different tables. During the tournament, the players at these tables are rotated around different tables. The defeated players drop out and this goes on until only one table is left with players, from where the winner emerges.

The tournaments have attracted a lot of interest from players because it has no buy-in. Most players wonder just how they could approach the competition and what tactics they could apply for them to succeed. The first thing that a person should do in order to succeed is to sign up for the tournament. After all how would they expect to triumph if they are not even participating? Getting a Freeroll tournament should not be that challenging. A simple online search would provide leads of the various gambling rooms that are receiving entries for the tournament. There are also reliable websites that publish accurate updates of the sites which are receiving registration for the tournament.

The way to participate

What an interested player should do is to compare the different games available and settle on the one that appeals to him or her. There are a number of variables that the player could use to determine the tournament to play. Such variables include the type of games available, whether the game is online or offline, the prizes they could win and finally the number of players participating in the tournament. Since it is a free game with no risk on the part of the player, he or she should go for the game that offers the highest prize. It would also be prudent if one signed up for a tournament that has very few participants. It will reduce the amount of wait-time before the game comes to an end.

Once a person has identified the particular tournament that they are interested in for instance on PokerStars, they should ensure that they sign up before the deadline time stated.

Before the game starts, a person should ensure that they prepare adequately or it. Preparation would involve ensuring that both their computer and internet connection are at peak performance. The player should also be in their best shape so as to bring out his or her “A” game. It would help a great deal if one chose a game that they were good at playing.

During the tournament, the blinds keep on increasing after a certain number of hands. It is crucial to a player to increase their stack of poker chips at every opportunity they get to avoid losing. If one does not have a good hand, they should make bluffs so as to build up their stack. When playing one should never forget that their game comes to an end the moment they are out.

Advantages of the tournaments

The tournament has numerous advantages to the player as well as the poker websites. Such games provide the sites with a strategy for attracting new players while at the same time rewarding the existing players. The players, on the other hand, get an opportunity to try their hand at new games for free. They are also able to get various prizes. Last but not least they get to enjoy playing their favorite gambling games without being anxious about losing their money.

Categories: General

The A to Z of Poker

February 15, 2015 Comments off

Poker is one of the greatest and most exciting games all over the world. Not only is it popularised by its players, but also by those who watch the game on television. However, there still are a few people who are not aware about the multiple aspects of this game. Here is an article explaining all that you need to know about poker to understand its attractiveness.

What is Poker?

Poker is essentially a game of five or seven cards. Its key qualities are that it is quick, addictive and one of the most popular games of gambling. The main objective of Poker is to be able to win with the dealt hand by leading all the bets and having the highest possible cards at the table.

Why do people play Poker?

There are a multitude of reasons behind playing poker. Here are a few.

  1. The luck factor: When anything involves a combination of luck, fate and uncertainty, it draws attention. Poker is one game that has a very high element of luck, making it very addictive to players and lucrative for casinos.
  2. Socializing: A chance to meet new people and hang out with crowds of like minds is an added bonus to playing poker. This game is an easy way to make friends, have friendly banters and also set up future poker dates.
  3. Thrill: The temptation mainly arises from the thrill of being only partly in control. The combination of all its elements makes players want to keep coming back for more.
  4. Talent: The game gives players a chance to use their analytical skills, study situations and even people to be able to work the game out to their advantage, thereby leaving them with an adrenaline rush like no other.
  5. Easy Rules: It isn’t very difficult to learn how to play Poker and is pretty much understandable by anyone who is interested. Even watching a couple of games or practicing online can boost skills and build techniques.
  6. Money: Obviously, if everything plays out well, there is a fortune involved. But because this is gambling, there is also a chance of losing a lot of money. However, people play poker to have a shot at winning in a quick and interesting manner.

Where can one play poker?

There are two ways of playing poker. One is the good old fashioned style of going to a casino and hanging out at the table. Another method is to play poker online instead. Each has its own advantages. While the former can possibly lead to a huge fortune, it is also a big energy boost. The latter is safe, more convenient, less awkward and can be played at any time, both for free and for money.

What are the types of Poker?

Poker can be played in different ways depending upon individual preferences. Two of the most common ones are as below:

  • Texas Hold ‘Em involves a deck of seven cards where two are hidden and five are revealed.
  • Draw which can be played with either five or seven cards but with all hidden.

The Poker Lingo:

When playing poker, it is necessary to know the right language to use as it will help one fit in with the rest of the group. Here is a list of a few phrases:

  • One Pair / Two Pairs: This is one of the most common types of cards that can be dealt to a player, involving two cards of the same type such as 5 and 5 while the rest of the hand has random cards.
  • Full House: When a person has three cards of one number and four cards of another, he is said to have a full house. For example, three 4s and four 2s.
  • Straight Flush: This combination is the highest hand anyone can have. When a player has all cards of the same sequential order in any one of the four suits, he is said to have a straight flush. When K, Q and J are included, it is also called the royal flush. However, this is nearly impossible to achieve.
  • Straight: This is a situation where all the cards are of different suits but of the same numerical sequence.


In the end, Poker is a fantastic game to play, either for gambling or just for fun. If it weren’t so great, then surely it wouldn’t have gotten so famous all over the world! In a nutshell, if you are the kind of person who would like to try something new with your friends, then go ahead and play poker! You will most definitely not regret it.

Categories: General