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7 Beneficial Poker Tips

February 22, 2015

Do you want to be a better poker player, fast, smart? Follow these tips and I assure you that your performance at poker and profits will increase immensely. Even if it is geared to beginners, these are tips that even pros should remind themselves. So relax, because this article will give you all the tips that will allow you to better your playing skills.

1. Never Fold More
The most common mistake that almost all beginners make is that they will always play for too many hands that are not beneficial to them. To those who are starting out poker play, you just want to play poker, and that means you just play to remain in the game. But even if you play more, that doesn’t guarantee you of a win, it means you are in for a loss. If you notice that you are always starting in half then the best option is to upgrade your starting hand.

2. Never drink and play
Many a times you will watch someone get plastered silly and reaped off the stacks of chips easily. Reason, they are drunk. Do you want to avoid this? Then keep off alcohol. If you are playing with friends and this is at low stack and more of fun, then you can take the liquor. But if you are in a casino for the poker itself then watch out, truth be told yes you are relaxed after taking 2 drinks but this can make you lose all your games.

3. Don’t just bluff
Many players, especially beginners understand and know that bluffing is part of the poker game, but they don’t know how it is done. There is NO RULE and I mean no rule that state that you should bluff, but to many poker players they only feel that they have won after they have tried out a poker bluff. You should understand that bluff only work against certain individuals and certain situations, but if you know that a player always do call the showdown then never try to bluff the player. Better you keep off bluffing than just bluff for bluffing sake.

4. Don’t stick in a game
This is another common mistake that players make, I mean beginners. Well, I have put more in the game, and I must just stay in. Never will you win a game by just throwing money in it. In some cases the odds will call the shots, if you are beaten, and you are sure that your hand cannot change to be always the best hand, then you should walk away. This is due to the fact that the money you have put in the game is not yours anymore, and it is difficult to get it back by just playing to the end of the game.

5. Don’t play when emotional
Most individuals play poker to escape stress, depression or having a bad day. If you start on tilt mmmh, you are playing when emotionally and not rationally and this will make you lose it all. Likewise if you are on a poker game and you lose it big hand, you feel that you want to go for a tilt, then get up and take a break .If your fellow players sense your mood, I assure you that they will take advantage of your situation and reap you off your money.

6. Never pay attention to other players
As you play, the best thing that you should do is observe and understand your opponents, weather you are not playing. If you know that one player always raises in some position, anther is a poker tell whenever he bluffs and the third fold to any re- raise that he makes, with these tips you can beat these player without even checking them. You can bluff and steal all the money in the pot.

7. Never play a too high limit
There are plenty of reasons why individuals move up to a higher level of the poker game than the normal level. The good reason can be that you are always winning at your level and it is time to go up, the bad reason can be that you just want to impress others. Even if you have a good night do not attempt to go for a higher level because your luck can turn to a curse, I mean you can lose it all.

With the following tips at hand a bet that your poker skills will improve immensely. Just follow the above tips and you will be at your best in each game that you play. You can also consider these fact on your poker online game or even when gambling.

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