
Archive for April, 2015

Online Poker Tournaments: Rules and Strategies you can Use

As more games are offered, the popularity of online poker tournaments is increasing and the number of players signing up every day is also on the rise as well. Big online poker sites are offering tournaments twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, and it is important to know the rules before participating in one of them.

Although each tournament has its own rules and regulations and there is nothing set in stone for all tournaments, most of them go by general rules that all players should know:

  1. All players begin with the same number of chips. Some online poker tournaments allow players to buy more chips once the game has started, but not all of them offer this option. The goal is to receive all the chips of other players.
  2. All players begin the game at the same time. Certain tournaments offer the option to join at any time, but it is not something to count on.
  3. All players can participate in the game until they run out of chips. The one who is left with remaining chips wins the tournament.
  4. The bid level increases at certain times during the tournament. Those times are determined by the tournament itself. This blind growth is the most important factor of the speed of the tourney. If blinds grow fast you have to be more agressive and you have to make much more risky decisions.

Those general rules are in addition to the rules the online tournament specifies. When a winner is declared, prizes and winnings are delivered. Usually 40% of the pool goes to the winner, 20% goes to the second place, and 10% goes to the third place. Other tournaments offer a higher rank instead of the normal prize.

Many new players participate in online tournaments to test their skills, and others play for the money and the prestige the can get if they win. There are few tips and strategies shared by top players that will help you along the way. Here they are:

  • Play tight early or play aggressive later, but try to steal blinds. You can play tight in the beginning because blinds are not big and you can afford waiting for good hands.
  • Play many hands in the beginning. Of cource you will have to fold all the trash like 25 but hands like 10J suited must be played. You also must play all low pairs hoping to get a set. Low blinds often allow players to participate in many hands, but most players don’t use this advantage. But you must use it. Sometimes your 89 will give you a straight on the flop and you will be able to win.
  • Collect the as many chips as you can while you increase blinds.
  • You have to have a stronger hand when you call a bet. That’s important. If someone raises you must have a good hand in order to make a call.
  • Focus on your own table and win as many chips as you can, especially if you have other table arrangements.
  • You have to be flexible and on guard at the same time. You have to be able to read the moves other players make.
  • And the strategy most champions follow is they study poker tournaments, online and offline, and pay attention to all the moves other players make. This is how they learn the most about poker for their next tournament.
  • Don’t belive players when they bet often. If a player makes a lot of bets he bluffs a lot.

Basically you choose which style you prefer to play: conservative, which avoids any type of confrontation and focuses on opening hands that are more likely to be winners; or aggressive, which involves being very active in all hands, but also sees a lot of flops. A good idea is to change styles or to tweak your style depending on the players at your table. If your table is agressive you should play tight and vice versa.

But regardless of which style you choose to use during an online poker tournament, one important thing to keep in mind is to be flexible, especially during the opening rounds of the game. This flexibility will determine if you are out of the game fast or if you are declared a winner. Flexibility means that you must act different in different situations and against different players. If you can do this, you will most likely sucseed.

Categories: General

Poker Sit and Go Tournament Introduction

The guidelines of a “Sit and Go” (SnG) competition can be separated into the various guidelines, the set up, action and successful guidelines. The various guidelines middle on the primary guidelines as per the variety of gamers taking part, how to join, etc. what one must know is that in this way of a competitors at the least 2 gamers and a highest possible of 180 gamers can take part. This means that for the improved variety of gamers a variety of platforms must be set up to provide their perform.

The competitors must begin at a pre-specified efforts and no exclusions are made on this consideration. All the gamers must be formally finalized in before that period. To be an formal individual in this competitors you need to buy the snacks before the activities begin. Anybody trying to buy-in after the activities have began will not be permitted to do so. The variety of snacks purchased by the gamers cannot be as their own will. A percentage is made the decision upon by the planners and all the gamers begin on a level stage.

The set up of the competitors is based on the variety of poker gamers that will be taking part. The gamers will be either sitting at the various platforms set up or they can choose the desk they want to perform at. Based on the planners, the platforms can all function one conventional version or can have a mixture of activities being performed like in the situation or H.O.R.S.E or H.O.S.E. the guidelines of the set up are obvious enough, and the variety of gamers per desk cannot drop below a certain restrict. As the removal begins gamers from various platforms may be brought out and moved at other desk to keep the variety of gamers at the platforms continuous. In situations, all the gamers from one particular desk have been eliminated and moved to the other platforms. In such a situation this desk is then shut.

The action is like any other way of on-line poker. The gamers must perform the experience, successful or dropping, defending their collection of snacks. The gamer or gamers to reduce all their snacks at any factor during the experience will be eliminated and must keep the desk instantly. In some contests the dropping gamer has the choice to re-purchase snacks and try again. In such situations how frequently this re-purchase or Rebuy is permitted is made the decision by the planners and is not to be questioned. No gamer, at any factor of the experience, can bet anything other than snacks. The eliminated gamers gradually slim the audience of members until there are only three or four gamers remaining who will perform go to go, making only one gamer status in the end.

The competition guidelines associated with the successful of the competitors clearly announce the last gamer status as the champion. The champion is either permitted to encash all the snacks he or she has gained as the compensate or is granted a award through money or a present.

Categories: General